American Head Charge akordy a texty písní
- Just So You Know
- When I Failed
- Seamless
- Pledge Allegiance
- Different
- All Wrapped Up
- A Violent Reaction
- Americunt Evolving Into Useless Psychic Garbage
- Nothing Gets Nothing
- Fall
- Desertion
- Self
- Song For The Suspect
- Erratic
- To Be Me
- To Taste Acid
- Shutdown
- Fiend
- Walk Away
- Violent Reaction
- Dirty
- Cowards
- Leave Me Alone
- Stature
- Pushing The Envelope
- What
- Feel the Curtain
- Downstream
- Sugars of Someday
- We Believe
- T A Violent Reaction
- T All Wrapped Up
- T Americunt Evolving Into Useless Psychic Garbage
- T Breathe In, Bleed Out
- T Cowards
- T Desertion
- T Different
- T Dirty
- T Downstream
- Effigy 23
- T Erratic
- Fall
- T Feel the Curtain
- T Fiend
- T Just So You Know
- T Leave Me Alone
- T Loyalty
- Never Get Caught
- T Nothing Gets Nothing
- T Pledge Allegiance
- Pretty Face
- Pushing The Envelope
- Reach And Touch
- T Real Life
- T Ridicule
- Seamless
- T Self
- T Shutdown
- T Song For The Suspect
- Stature
- T Sugars of Someday
- T Take What I've Taken
- T To Be Me
- T To Taste Acid
- Violent Reaction
- T Walk Away
- T We Believe
- T What
- T When I Failed
Sugars of Someday
Can't Stop the Machine
The Feeding
- 1 Loyalty
- 2 Pledge Allegiance
- 3 Dirty
- 4 Ridicule
- 5 Take What I've Taken
- 6 Leave Me Alone
- 7 Walk Away
- 8 Erratic
- 9 Fiend
- 10 Cowards
- 11 To Be Me
- 12 Downstream
Just So You Know
The War of Art
- 1 A Violent Reaction
- 2 Pushing The Envelope
- 3 Song For The Suspect
- 4 Never Get Caught
- 5 Self
- 6 Just So You Know
- 7 Seamless
- 8 Effigy 23
- 9 Americunt Evolving Into Useless Psychic Garbage
- 10 Shutdown
- 11 We Believe
- 12 Breathe In, Bleed Out
- 13 Fall
- 14 Reach And Touch
- 15 All Wrapped Up
- 16 Nothing Gets Nothing
- 1 Reach And Touch
- 2 Different
- 3 Seamless
- 4 Fall
- 5 Never Get Caught
- 6 What
- 7 When I Failed
- 8 Stature
- 9 To Taste Acid
- 10 Feel the Curtain
- 11 We Believe
- 12 Desertion
- 13 Pushing The Envelope
- 14 Pretty Face