Hear the children crying, But I know they cry not in vain. Now the times are changing, Love has come to bloom again. Smelling the air when spring comes by raindrops Reminds us of youthful days. But now it's not rain that water the cane crops, But the sweat from man's brow, The substance from our spine. We gotta keep on living, living on borrowed time. Hallelujah time! Yes, you can hear the children singing! Hallelujah time! Yes, as they go singing by and by! Hallelujah time! Oh "hallelujah" singing in the morning! Hallelujah time! Let them sing, don't let them cry! Over rocks and mountains The sheep are scattered all around. Over hills and valley They are everywhere to be found. But though we bear our burdens now All afflictions got to end somehow From swinging the hammer, pulling the plough. Why won't you let us be To live in harmony? We like to be free like birds in a tree. Hallelujah time! Yes, you can hear the children singing! Hallelujah time! Yes, as they go singing by and by! Hallelujah time! Oh "hallelujah" singing in the morning! Hallelujah time! Let them sing, don't let them cry! Hallelujah time! Yes, you can hear the children singing! Hallelujah time! Yes, as they go singing by and by! Hallelujah time! Oh "hallelujah" singing in the morning! Hallelujah time! Let them sing, don't let them cry!