Once an angel came to me and said ''Do you lack inside?'' And so I raised my head to reconcile ''My burdens of the Earth must be well deserved'' So I begged for mercy from the one Now the angel's gone, and hell's become my home I sit and think how life has gone Would it be unfair to ask for more? The beggar knows The angel since returned to the one once spurned and claims the invitation won't expire Somehow i just can't see salvation as elite And so I sent the angel on his way Should heaven be so vain, bring on judgment day I sit and think what love has done Could it be that I'm the one so wrong? The beggar knows Your congregation's meeting The chosen pray Ignore the beggars pleading and turn away Sinners rising sinners casting stones again Sinners bring the beggar to his end His eyes have seen heaven's at hand Thunder roars, the clouds bring gales forces, wicked battering The sun hangs his head in shame Those who joined in life with the beggar shall be reconciled For the vain - cast into the lake of fire And now I hope you see malaise in vanity And that you may not be a chosen one Ain't no one really knows which way the spirits go Yet I believe that action speaks a ton If we are to become one with salvation I sit and think what death will bring Will I burn in flames or fly on wings The beggar knows