Well anyway, I found out yesterday
What I was never supposed to hear about
The cracking shocking pain I had exposed
And the time I allowed this to get to me?
I froze up in the flame that I believed
Was sent to k** me...
On a bed of a thousand nails I slit my eyes
One million times (It's the way to go!)
When all and all is nothing
Well speaking of my past, did I mention the family?
The ones who never tolerated me to scream
And the last time I spoke aloud his name?
It drove me quite insane with the knowledge 

And the feeling that I was no one...
Have you heard the one about the Father in the Wall?
It's got the truth, it's got it all in under a minute
And it's scary as hell, and I swear to God
You'll never forget it.
What, that one about me? Lies! A f**ing lie!
Goddamn anyone who believes her silly little stories
About no one in particular
Pn a bed of a thousand nails I slit my eyes
One million times (It's the way to go!)
When all and all is nothing