It's a beautiful morning looks like its going to be a beautiful day but where is my baby? Oh where is my baby I breathe in a breath of fresh air oh but again I say where is my baby Everything seems so right Except for most important thing in my life But where is my baby Where can she be Won't somebody please Send my baby back to me Boss told me in three days I'd be up for a raise Oh but where is my baby Oh where is my baby Going to look for a new car Like that raven I saw But where is my baby What went wrong I couldn't say I tried to please her In every way Oh but where is my baby Where can she be Won't somebody please Send my baby back to me A year has come and gone Since I've been all alone Lord and I still oh I still haven't seen my baby I still hope and pray That she'll return someday But where is my baby I bought a house I thought she would like In case she'd ever decide to be my wife And then the word came You know by telephone Said you don't want to see you baby She's better off gone Said while in a travel A curiosity Led her into the wrong hands Into a land of fantasy Now she hangs out Where those folks do With the problems she'll never shake Said your baby's through No No, no I don't want to hear it