A Faylene Sky akordy a texty písní
- Day Dreamer
- A Fitting Sight
- An Ocean State Of Mind
- I Wasn't Born Again Yesterday
- Elmira
- To Raise The Nation
- The Art Of Soul Searching
- Whispers
- Defined - Dead
- Anchored Down
- Last Call For Lost Souls
- Hell Is Where The Heart Is
- Define Alive
- Defined || Dead
- The Waking
- Three Years from Now
- This Town Ain't Big Enough for the Both of Me
- This Escape
- Break Your Heart
- The Search, The Scheme
- The King's Son
- Forrest Ran His Ass Off
- Oh, I'll Show You a Nightmare
- Legacy of Ashes
- I Would Shoot Tobey Twice
- It's Too Early in the Day for Killing Princes
- T A Fitting Sight
- T An Ocean State Of Mind
- T Anchored Down
- Break Your Heart
- T Day Dreamer
- T Define Alive
- T Defined - Dead
- Defined || Dead
- T Elmira
- Forrest Ran His Ass Off
- T Hell Is Where The Heart Is
- T I Wasn't Born Again Yesterday
- I Would Shoot Tobey Twice
- It's Too Early in the Day for Killing Princes
- T Last Call For Lost Souls
- Legacy of Ashes
- Oh, I'll Show You a Nightmare
- T The Art Of Soul Searching
- The King's Son
- The Search, The Scheme
- The Waking
- This Escape
- This Town Ain't Big Enough for the Both of Me
- Three Years from Now
- T To Raise The Nation
- T Whispers
Break Your Heart
A Faylene Sky
Hell Is Where the Heart Is
The Search, The Scheme
To Raise the Nation
Define Alive