I would. Stop. Because ... There will always be, because There will always be, for two There will always Inside you can feel th- Outside, you can see the difference Inside. Stop. Inside difference Outside, out- Stop Inside, you can feel the difference Feel the- You can difference. Difference. Difference You can see the- Feel the difference You can stop. Stop, and see the- You can stop- You can see the difference Dragons, the policeman knew Were supposed to breathe- to breathe fire. Fire To breathe fire, and occasionally get themselves, get themselves Slaughtered. Slaughtered. Slaughtered He decided That would definitely not be decided Stop. Stop Definitely not- Stop. Stop Not Definitely That would, that would, that would- Stop Definitely decided Decided. Decided. Decided Not not. Stop Be decided The basis of the all-important question Involved in the mixing and the regeneration of a person's voice Incapable of any distinction between frequency response Is such that the entire output is revealed in the voice Is the actual voice itself of the voice being used Is the voice being used? Is the voice being used Used voice being used Being used voice, being voice This type of a formation can only be explained When two or more separate units are linked together thus forming A screen only detectable through specially designed equipment On released that spot type floor I decided to use the tools available Stop. Stop. The tools available Stop. Stop. Upon me Force the tools available Yes, I'm all right