Sneak up to the cemetery gates They swing open without a sound Hurry over to the funeral mound Rain makes thehair cling to the face Darkest night but as lightning cracks Empty the bag of shovels and axes The earth is soft underneath the leaves Remove the dirt, we dig with ease Dead - dead - dead - dead - dead to worse There are things worse than death, far more worse than death So it's done, time to lift the lid It creaks open, and there it lays The corpse is prepped and we sing the praise Slowly stepping out of the grave Fill the night with nocturnal scrams, it screams On our command, the body climbs from the grave Once dormant and dead, now forever our slave From the grave - now death escaped - life retake once more Walk the earth - an antibirth - see death reversed undone There are things worse than death, far more worse than death Worse - dead to worse