He rode a chariot Too fast to capture I was pinned to the ground I would have sunk deeper Had not the Earth’s surface Prevented my falling He may have been calling But a woman can’t fly! Drive into the velvet night With your eyes aflame And your soul alight Drive, kissing the crystal dome Leaving me all alone To taste the breathing sky Stars and Moon separate Why try to imitate Sweet Earthbound lovers when I Lying here willingly Witness you filling me With sweeter heaven’s sigh He blew a trumpet A trumpet of victory I sang a soft song A song that can mesmerize Siren song softly You’re tempting a lover And all under cover Of waxing moon sky Drive into the crying night Where the air is cold And the cosmos bright Drive, too far away from me Just like a memory That skids across my eyes Eternal energy Will horses carry me Closer to your skies? Two creatures leading you It’s not a simple thing to do To balance black and white.