Jimmy has the worst marks in his class Scars over half his body and an arm in a cast “Oh that’s just a rash it’ll pass” Jimmy would say with a laugh But his smile wouldn’t last cos it was only a mask Hiding a past that was still present And heaven knows what kind of future he must have Next day two of his fingers are smashed He says “don’t even ask” Now Jimmy was a smart kid, always worked the hardest So willing to learn But teacher was a little concerned Cos when it’s his turn to come to the front and read He’d plead for someone else to take the lead And teacher eventually agreed Jimmy just smiled so relieved Cos earlier he had a nosebleed and still had a smudge of blood on his sleeve But he need not be concerned with that They’re too busy staring at the burns on the back of his neck He had no answer for that one yet Luckily no-one asked about it Bell rings, Jimmy grabs his bags and takes off in a dash, going nowhere fast But tomorrow he would limp back into class He’d say “don’t even ask” Jimmy wears long shirts to hide the hurt And for a while it worked But his lies got worse His smile now a smirk as he tries to search to find the words to tell the nurse “Oh I just fell in the dirt” But she didn’t look amused, more like confused Cos this excuse he’d already used the last time his shoulder was bruised And even then he refused medical attention And so no-one made mention of his pension for fractured tendons They just sent him back to class With just a pat on the ass and a hall pass He’s fine now but how long will it last? What will he say next, car crash, whiplash? Don’t even ask Monday started out fine Mother nature was kind as her sun shined down on all the kids standing in line And so the class makes an entrance teacher takes attendance Before handing out todays lesson “Lester” “Here”, “Michelle” “Here”, “Adrian” “Here” “Troy” “Here”, “Jimmy”… “Jimmy?” Guess here’s not here As they stare at his empty chair, no-one’s seen him anywhere He wasn’t downstairs, not in the playground Jimmy just ain’t around Jimmy was later found in his bath with one of his wrists slashed What could have led him down this path? Why would Jimmy do something so rash? Maybe if someone would have bothered to ask!