The giants who formed this world into its sensual 
existence and now seem to live in it in chains,
are in truth the causes of its life & the sources of 
all activity; 
but the chains are the cunning of weak and tame minds 
which have power to resist energy,
according to the proverb,
The weak in courage is strong in cunning. 
Thus one portion of beings is the prolific,
the other the devouring:
to the devourer it seems as if the producer was in his 
chains: but it is no so, he only takes portions of 
existence and fancies that the whole. 

But the prolific would cease to be prolific unless the 
devourer, as a sea received the excess of his delights. 
Some will say:
'Is not God alone the prolific?
'I answer: 
'God only acts & is, in existing beings or men'. 
These two classes of men are always upon earth,
& they should be enemies: whoever tries to reconcile 
them seeks to destroy existence.
Religion is an endeavour to reconcile the two. 

Jesus Christ did not wish to unite,
but to seperate them,
as in the parable of sheep and goats! & He says:
'I came not to send peace, but a sword. 
'Messiah or Satan or tempter was formerly thought to be 
one of the antediluvians who are our energies.