The sea belongs to me, But I never took for free, 
 I´ve seen how dreary days, comes and turns away! 
 Everyone these oceans like home for me are made, 
 And on storm, bewildered waters, I´ve never been afraid! 
 But beckoning in the north a sign breaks memories to come forth, 
 And it hurts my heart to know that I´m not home! 
 And if looking with closed eyes, I see Nordic forest pride, 
 And the place where I once was born! 

 A sign from my son, Like the northwind sent from home, 
 A dream to follow father, To what way he once begun! 
 Behold me now the elder, how the years have worn me down
 I close my eyes and wonder, Where do these tears come from?

 Now beckoning in the north a sign breaks memories to come forth, 
 And it hurts my heart to know that I´m not home! 
 And if looking with closed eyes, I see Nordic forest pride, 
 And the place where I once was born! 

 A yearning on the wing now brings me home, 
 A promise not to leave you left alone! 
 Bearing North - There you are, 
 I recall you my dear pa

 Young and boldly minded, No dreams could be destroyed, 
 Of being broke and hungry, But enrichened by this life! 
 Now the youngster falls in/follow fury and recall by ancient time, 
 Adventures, turn to moments, sipping memories like wine! 

 Then beckoning in the north a sign breaks memories to come forth, 
 And it hurts my heart to know that I´m not home! 
 And if looking with closed eyes, I see Nordic forest pride, 
 And the place where I once was born!