After the feast the trolls venture deeper and deeper through all sorts of tunnels, caves and cracks until all of a sudden they find themselves standing in a giant cave. The cave is so big it has a massive fungi jungle with strange lifeforms. The trolls wander about exploring the splendor. Dagen nach hinter the timberman comes å banke hardt on skolten to samtlige troll in the cave expedition. Despite seine feine hangover trollene keep on descending dypere og deepere und kommen plutselig inn i eine fantastisch massive hule. Gigantic cave, gigantic cave, es ist eine jungel in the cave. Some creepy looking bugs, some creep looking species here. Trollene wander und wonder seg mens de spankuler omkring and explore the seemingly endeløse vastness of the cave. Den hule ist so big it has a fullstendische økosystem filled mit everything von die kleineste small creature to superlarge grosse titans. Gigantic cave, gigantic cave, es ist eine jungel in the cave. Some creepy looking bugs, some creep looking species here. Over alt man ser it's a fungi jungle. The light comes from red lava and luminescent worms.