Free fall through our midnight This epilogue of our own fable Heedless in our slumber Floating nescient, we Free fall through this boundlessness This madness of our own making Falling isn't flying Floating isn't infinite Come, our end, suddenly All hail our lethargy Concede suddenly To the quickened dissolution Pray we mitigate the ruin Calling all to arms and order Drifting through this boundlessness This madness of our own making Sound our dire reveille Rouse all from our apathy Lest we Cease to be Stir us from our Wanton slumber Mitigate our ruin Call us all to arms and order Sound the dread alarm Through our primal body Sound the reveille To be or not to be Rise Stay the grand finale Stay the reading of our swan song and epilogue One drive to stay alive Elementary Muster every fiber Mobilize Stay alive Stir us from our Wanton slumber Mitigate our ruin Call us all to arms and order