In a time, where gods and demons determined the life There was a sword with magic strength A sword that's steel never failed and its sharpness never as the base went This sword transmitted by the gods, around peace to bring in the whole world Das Schwert der Asen liegt fest in der Hand Geschmückt mit Gold und Runen am Rand Geschmiedet in Asgard, geschärft von Allvaters Hand It was sent to a man - powerful and strong His victories americh and admites How was the man son indended over to arrange in each battle Against the enemy with the sword of the gods, the sword of the holy world Das Schwert der Asen liegt fest in der Hand Geschmückt mit Gold und Runen am Rand Geschmiedet in Asgard, geschärft von Allvaters Hand The time pass, the warrior is old, but the sword is still at his side The face takes now the turn, the warriors dead is no longer far The power of his sword does not shrink It moves from ancestor to ancestor, an endless set Das Schwert der Asen liegt fest in der Hand Geschmückt mit Gold und Runen am Rand Geschmiedet in Asgard, geschärft von Allvaters Hand