Jesus Will Fix It The Williams Brothers Trust In The Lord (L) I know... that (L+C) Jesus will fix it for you... For he knows (L) He knows just what (C) Just what (L) He knows just what to do (C) To do (L) Hmm.... And whenever (C) Whenever (L) Whenever you pray (C) You pray (L) Just open up your heart And let Him have (C) just let Him have... (L) Let God have His way (C) His way... oww... (L) Oww... Jesus (C) Jesus (L) He will He will fix it (C) He will fix it Oww by and by... (L) Oww... by (C) Oww by (L) By and by and by and by (C) And by (L) I know He will (C) Oww by (L) Oww by and by (C) And by (L) I like to sing one verse of that Listen good Whenever you have problems (Lord have mercy) And your best friend... Oh they ain't nowhere around All you got to do is just Fall down... fall down on your knees Call Jesus oww... He'll never, never, never, never, never, never, let you down (L+C) Oww... Jesus (L) I'm not worried about it (C) He will fix it (L) I knew He will (C) All by (L) All by and by (C) And by All by and by (repeat as directed) (L) I'm not worried about it no, no, no He fixed it for my mother one day And I know He'll fix it for you Fixed it for the Hebrew children What about Daniel down in the Lions den What about Job when he was down on his sick bed Doug I wonder would you mind Taking a little time out and tell the people Just what God will do for you (L1) He'll fix it for you (L) Tell'em son (L1) He'll fix it (L) I know He will (L2) For you (L) Whatever it is (L2) He'll fix it all for you (L) Whatever it is (L2) He'll fix it (L) I know He will (L2) For you He'll fix it all for you (L) You know what (L2) Say it (L) That's what's wrong with the world today We don't join in together and lift up the name of Jesus like use to do no more I like join in with you Doug and sing just a verse of that listen people (L+L1) He'll fix it for you He'll fix it all for you (L) Just a little bit higher ya'll (L+L1) He'll fix it for you (L2) Yes He will (L+L1) He'll fix it for (L+L2) Let me tell you that He'll fix it, He'll fix it, He'll fix it, He'll fix it, He'll fix it, He'll fix it for you (L2) Oww... (L) You hear me (L2) ...ww yeah (L) Ya'll hear me (L+L2) Let me tell you that He'll fix it, He'll fix it, He'll fix it, He'll fix it, He'll fix it, He'll fix it for you (L) Lord have mercy Lord have mercy (L2) One mo thing (L) Listen Do you believe the Lord will fix it Do you believe the Lord will fix it Do you believe the Lord will fix it Do you believe the Lord will fix it Do you believe the Lord will fix it (fading out)