If the tough guys call you chicken shit And you are scared to death If you are so lonely that You can´t even see yourself in the mirror Kill yourself... Where´d you find so many friends and become As man as man can be? There is just one right answer - join the army! They know how to cure your kind No more you feel ill "Search and destroy" that´s the spirit All that moves you kill Think about the great feeling when a Concrete face general yells at you "Yes sir! May I lick your boots or Do your highness use dry cleaning?" When you play war he can play god and Let repressed feelings out Feel the satisfaction of that crooked Speech disordered soul Isn´t it fun to cherish a big gun! Reminds you about something you have small Eating corn flakes every morning Makes you strong and grow so tall If you wanna be a good boy You will kill enough You got yourself a piece of iron Reputation you´re tough That goes on in your mind No decisions for you to make You´re not here to serve your native country Just one pervert fruit cake