I asked Mama many times What kept Papa so far behind What in the world was holding my Daddy down? Papa always dropped his head Lord, he seemed so afraid Like he was carryin' a heavy burden all the time There was a man up in the big house Papa was afraid to speak out The man kept my Daddy's nose right on the ground Yeah, your Papa he was mighty good He was doin' the best he could All his life he lived just for you Twelve kids, he had a heavy load He couldn't walk the front road On his face he always wore a frown It was for you and the others too He was tryin' to make it through He had to take the back road into town Every year your Papa would say Next year, I'm gonna move away I wanna take my children away from here He said I've almost lost my fear I think I see my way clear I'm gonna take a stand and be a man But then the man would come from the big house Daddy would always back out And end up right again behind the plow Twelve kids, he had a heavy load He couldn't walk the front road On his face he always wore a frown It was for you and the others too He was tryin' to make it through He had to take the back road into town When he finally made up his mind Your Daddy had wasted too much time Your Papa just put it off a little too long 'Cause all the years that Papa was sleepin' The time kept right on creepin' 'Til it was time for him to lay his body down He did it all against his will He got lost back in them fields My Daddy never made it into town Twelve kids, he had a heavy load He couldn't walk the front road On his face he always wore a frown It was for you and the others too He was tryin' to make it through He had to take the back road into town Twelve kids, he had a heavy load He couldn't walk the front road On his face he always wore a frown It was for you and the others too He was tryin' to make it through He had to take the back road into town Twelve kids, he had a heavy load He couldn't walk the front road ...