God cursed my vile obscenity - and cast this wretched pox on me Thus to annul my blasphemy - must I endure hell's purgatory This plea I proffer unto thee - O mentor of my destiny I beg thy blackened soul - to take this wretch within thy clemency From barren realms of morbid fear - this foul tempestuous cross to bear O Satan I beseech thee to have mercy on my soul Even as I speak marasmus eats my flesh as I resign myself To suffer sinners sentence of eternal scorching flame Wracked with pain I crawl away to find some stinking hole To vainly pray for succor to my weary vanquished soul Satan I bow to the devil - Satan I crawl to the devil All at once through acrid smoke I peer, terror grips my heart Mesmerized, I fawn before the evil prince of darkness Putrid pus seeps from my eyes, the sulphur burns my flesh Where art thou Lucifer? What must I do to end this living death? Assuming shape of goatlike man the tempter stands before me And speaking slowly, summons wretched sinners seeking sanctuary "Your blasphemy will be undone the day you hail the darkest one" De profundis clamavi ad te Domine, Domine exaudi vocem meam Quia apud Dominum misericordia, Gloria Patri et Filio et Spiritui sancto Uoyk cuf dnayna pmoc ruoyk cufwo nemtak oolt sujtu bsde erbflahg nik cufoy Revoem dek cufuoy nehtefil ymmor fsrae yneeth gieko o tuoy revir dikkin ecnerwal Mloclam njip iptreb nos ggyr tgise nra jbek ctred sevy stred sred nely noh tna For selling my divinity a blackened angel I shall be And never more must I endure Hell's wrath - hell's fire - hell's curse - hell sent Hell's toll - hell bells - hell raise - hell bent Hell's gates - hell's woe - hell's wrath - hells end Thus he annulled my blasphemy And scoured the plague of plagues from me Innocently I believed that I possessed immunity Then bitter truth did dawn on me That I must spend eternity In hades (not in penance) but in base servility