There was an old miner
With a mule named Diner
His name was Philip Morris
Well, bless my soul
And one spring day
As he went along his way
He made a lucky strike
And he fasted on an old ghost

He said, you know what I'm gonna do
I'm gonna do everything I ever wanted to

So he took old Diner
On a big ocean liner
The Thick Top Box
Was the name on the side
He told captain to fist troy
You better be a nice boy
And take me and Diner
On a long ocean line

Cause I got enough gold to have you
To do everything I ever wanted to

Say the commander, welcome aboard

He asked him not to fail 'em
He wanted him to sail 'em
All around the world, tell the ghost-spell
He wanted to go a places
To see a cool old aces
To Alpine Mountains and visit Parliament
He wanted to dock on a New Port
Ride on a camel
And do the car a new, hit the ray
Well, see his hotel mate
His old guest sailin' by
Of course, proof, pack for his own news bag

So now he is back in an one-room shack
Ain't nobody there but him and his mule
If you ever pass by and you wanna know why
He just sittin' there, being real cool

Don't you know what he's gonna tell you
He's done everything he ever wanted to