A thunderous sound
An ominous sight
We stood by the edge of the road that night
A menacing shadow
A distant roar
The pounding hooves of unseeable horses

Invisible teams of phantom forces
Racing though my dreams
Invisible forces chasing me
Come Father, Son, Holy Ghost
Defend me from this demon host
Invisible teams of phantom forces

Enticing voices
Alluring dark
"Miraculous Joy Elixir" jar
With wobbly knees
And blurry vision
I've already made the wrong decision
The wrong decision

Invisible teams of phantom forces
Racing though my dreams
Invisible forces chasing me
Come Father, Son, Holy Ghost
Defend me from this demon host
Invisible teams of phantom forces

I'm not gonna say
It's Lucifer's fault
The sinister angel destined to fall
That makes no sense at all

Invisible teams of phantom forces
Racing though my dreams
Invisible forces chasing me
Come Father, Son, Holy Ghost
Defend me from this demon host
Invisible teams of phantom forces