Sám tady stojíš s hlavou v dlaních Sám tady stojíš, nevidíš že mám slzy v očích ale ty ničemu nerozumíš, teď už to víš, já už tě nikdy ráda nebudu mít Dish me dirt, she dish me dirt I heard it on my cellular phone She said she is not comming home Her friends told me she ’s gone for sure But girl, don’t you think I am going to cry I am not the one that said goodbye Listen to what I have to say tonight I am going to wipe you out of my thought I am going to wipe you out fast I am going to wipe you out of my heart Until all trace of you is lost Dish me dirt, she dish me dirt Now you left me the dirt in my eyes When you left me low and dry I remember the last time I saw you You looked at me like I had a bad disease And as you walked away You tought, I would beg you please But there is no magic in it, if the fire is not lit Don’t you think I am going to cry I am not the one that said goodbye Listen to what I have to say tonight I am going to wipe you out of my thought I am going to wipe you out fast I am going to wipe you out of my heart,Until all trace of you is lost Dish me dirt, she dish me dirt Když myslíš že to pomůže tak jdi na věž, skokem mi hrozíš to klidně můžeš jsi hroší kůže a já vím že to zvládneš dělej co chceš ale mý city neovládneš lásku silnými slovy neprobudíš já už tě nikdy ráda nebudu mít