Carolina time, grab the fishing line. Gonna get old Jim with the yellow-backed fly. Bought it in a store, paid a little more. Gonna catch that fish with the yellow-backed fly. Tried it last June with a lit firefly, Layed it on the water with a perfect bullseye. Well Jim made a splash, gone in a flash. Beneath the water I heard him laugh. I go at six am, quiet as a hymn. Gonna catch old Jim with the Yellow-Backed Fly. Gonna catch him right, gonna catch him quick. Take him by surprise at the bottom of the crick. He lives beneath a rock, underneath the shade. I will have him made with the yellow-backed fly. Here I am at last, lying in the grass. A quiet little cast with the yellow-backed fly. Felt a little tug, well Jim had bit the bug. Then I let him run with the yellow-backed fly. Jumped up on the land, spit it in my hand. He said "Nice try with the yellow-backed fly". Then he swam away, I gave him a farewell. Now I'm going home with a story to tell. I put the truck in gear, I'll be back next year. Gonna make a fly with a hypnotizing eye. I go at six am, quiet as a hymn. Gonna catch old Jim with the yellow-backed fly. Twenty inches long, measured with a stick. He's old Jim but to me he's Moby Dick. I go at six am, quiet as a hymn. Gonna catch old Jim with the yellow-backed fly. Twenty inches long, measured with a stick. He's old Jim but to me he's Moby Dick.