I survive Jah Jah watch over I Evil, what you, what you sonna do? Yeh, Jah Jah watch over I, yeh Convicted and restricted still ... Jah watch over I Evil, what you, what you gonna do? Yeh Jah Jah watch over I yeh Physically defeated I, I felt a stroke at the crack of dawn yeh, And I paralyse my mind, my imagination, To my execution To every anil of death I heard I count the links to which I'm bound eh Down in the dungeon I heard them constructing, the scaffold Where . . . I'll be lynched aloft high The thoughts of me to die Rocking like a pendulum, Anyway it does'nt matter cause I'll be swinging to the rhythms of heh. Hey! Victory! Dragged From my dwellings of Pre-death confinement Where rats and beetles molest, Romp with the hay. I was off to a rope and man powered wild flight I was : entering into another world and Same time me deh - yah Deh - weh - me - deh a hol-lar A hollar, a hollar, a hollar, Just a laugh heh. Jah Jah watch over I Evil, what you Sonna do. Jah Jah