Ahh, thin as a whip an' strong as Steel He's the dog that will not heel But he'll worked the whole day through and half the night, As quick as a flash he’s to the lead What more could any stockman need Then a good hard dog that'll turn the mob an' bite. You can have your fancy cutting horse, When you're musterin’ on a water course, He’s as useless as a crow in a pen of lambs, 'Course a good hard dog will beat him flat He'll hit the lead and turn them back, In the time it takes to gather up your reins. Doesn’t need no fancy groomin’ thinners A whip but still he’s blooming But only just a bit of a feed at night, Well a bit of a pat from the master's hand, An' night watch all night he'll stand, Yes give me a good hard dog that will turn and bite. A muster’ or in the pen, He’s better to ya then ten men He'd always on his toes and ready to fight, He's a faithful mate and loyal too He'll do anything he can for you Yes give me a good hard dog that will turn and bite. I remember when he was a pup, If I could only have the luck, To break a good dog in to make the lead, Well now when I feed him every night I know this pup has turned out right An' he's well and truly worth his daily feed. Pretty good dog. Yes thin as a whip and strong as steel He's the dog that will not heel, But he'll worked the whole day through and half the night, Ahh, quick as a flash he’s to the lead What more could any stockman need Then a good hard dog that'll turn the mob an' bite, Yes give me a good hard dog that'll turn and bite. Oh give me a good hard dog that'll turn and bite.