Upon the bronze altar Commence the burnt offering Give me the scripture And tell me I’m forgiven For the sins that command me To offer my gift of gold Present me with the ritual Present me with the sacrifice I am of unclean motives I stand on an altar stained with blood Give me the power, Leviticus I respect the laws you’ve written I feel salted with fire Watching and waiting For time to tick slowly My soul seems so weak And I can’t seem to focus Bring me my chalice of wine Let us drink from the fountain of belief And show me the sign With eyes wide open I see the book of lies Repeat from the scriptures And tell me the stories So I can remember How to repent for my glories Present me with the ritual Present me with the sacrifice I am of unclean motives I stand on an altar stained with blood Give me the power, Leviticus I respect the laws you’ve written I feel salted with fire Take me to a special place Fly me to the heavens above Help me seek the key to the gates To the kingdom where the angels fly He shall be the one who leads Many worlds for the end of time I respect the laws you’ve written I feel salted with fire Take me to a special place Fly me to the heavens above Help me seek the key to the gates To the kingdom where the angels fly He shall be the one who leads Many worlds for the end of time Leviticus is the book of law For many have risen from above Blood must spill for the good of repentance Onward to the sacrifice of Christ Everyone shall be salted with fire A burnt offering for the sacrifice