It was decreed solar vice marshal J C 24 of the Commellion Empire, that all woman droids refusing to fly against The Syreean access where to be banished to hyper space exile in the Nurgon zone. Please won't you master X send me to unit 2? Will me to where your starboard sleeps lie alone with you Unit 4 is the Nurgon zone, I'll be banished for all eternity. Out of time lost in space I'm drifting in the galaxy Trying to get my message of love and set me free Energise my cosmic soul Let me In your stratosphere Though your heart is made of glass It won't shatter if I go too near Unit 4 is the Nurgon zone, I'm doomed to eternity. Out of time lost in space I'm drifting in the galaxy Trying to get my message of love and set me free By the year 2629 no less that 84% of all woman droids had been lost, though accidental time warps and correction trips in the outer zone on the Nurgon. Out of time lost in space I'm drifting in the galaxy I'm drifting in the galaxy While on a deep space recovery mission to the farthest perimeter of unit 4 Commander Kall of Starship BERT5 discovered strange new beings inhabiting the area, this was Starlong, the first encounter with a Nurgoid!