Faustus begin thine incantations, take good care to draw thy circle true, by God must you prevail - for if you fail these demons make a meal of you. Your soul shall be their meat - a kingly feast for them to eat, beware your future at hand, alas for thou art dammed. GOOD ANGEL: "Faustus seek repentance, ]abjure this evil art, cease this wretched wickedness and cleans thy foolish heart, for the evil that once served you has made of you a slave, and transformed your bed of roses' to a premature grave." Then in a mighty flash of light before thee Mephistopheles appears. FAUSTUS: "I charge thee go and change thy shape, for you fill my soul with fear. Now swift-as-hell back to the fire return an old Franciscan Friar." MEPHISTOPHELES: "Mortal command me while you can, For surely thou art dammed." BAD ANGEL: "Faustus be thou resolute in what thou wilst perform, ignore these righteous idiots - their trinity to scorn, for years of depravation you receive eternal life, but fame and wealth and maidens-fair are by far the better price." FAUSTUS: "Temptations all around me, is there nowhere I can turn? Hellfire is all about me, now I know that I shall burn, I face excommunication for the error of my ways - to burn in Hell for all my days. Bell, book and candle, candle, book, bell, forwards and backwards to damn me to Hell. Jehova I beg thee have mercy on my soul. Be gone foul beast that stands before me, my God! The midnight hour chimes, oh Lord have mercy he comes for me, I haven't got much time. I am awake this is no dream, I cry - but terror takes my scream, and now my future is at hand, also for I am dammed." GOOD ANGEL: "Think for just one moment and I'm sure that you will see, the moral of this story - that what shall be must be. He who gives his soul to Hell, must dare to pay the price, he versed in divinity must live a noble life - OR ELSE HE IS DAMNED!