You used to think, I'll get it done If not today, why not tomorrow? Whatever, man, I'm not the one To rue and ever dwell in sorrow A dollar short, a day too late And that's your really tragic story So don't give up and keep the faith Won't work at all, and now I'm sorry, sorry Rest in peace With every single dream you've ever had Rest in peace Below a muddy clad Rest in peace Unshackled from these heavy chains of time Rest in peace Fate's turning on a dime You've got it right, sometimes it feels Like everyone's so tense, so driven But every single second kills A little bit of time we're given Too old to die, too young, get real, get real You had your chance, but now it's over Too proud to beg, too dumb to steal, to steal And every day you're sinking, and every day you're sinking lower, lower, lower, lower Rest in peace With every single dream you've ever had Rest in peace Below a muddy clad Rest in peace Unshackled from these heavy chains of time Rest in peace Fate's turning on a dime, on a dime Whole way to The bottom This trail is Well trodden Forgiven Forgotten Rest in peace With every single dream you've ever had Rest in peace Below a muddy clad, a muddy clad Rest in peace Unshackled from these heavy chains in time Rest in peace Fate's turning on a dime, on a dime Rest in peace