Traveling on a train Sitting with the band Looking out the window Everything is made of Shape and form Now we're in a bar An empty bar And there's no where for me Why do people come here? I don't know But look a little deeper Expanding to my left Are people everywhere 'Cause this is where we've always been It will always come again It hasn't even happened yet We're here and in Infinity Infinity And now I go wrong I always do go wrong And someone has to help me now Marsha pulling off my shirt It's caught around my neck It hurts and I can't breathe You're killing me with kindness Why don't you let me go? Then I say "This isn't really happening" But the dream goes on This is an illusion Every corner of the galaxy They're watching "Infinity" Time is a wave Moving through space. There are your hands, Here is my face Ahh We're the Movie of the Week Every corner of the galaxy They're watching This is where we've always been It will always come again It hasn't even happened yet We're here and in Infinity