Lying on my bed alone in the dead of the night Torturing myself with thoughts of her Like a silent breeze of poisonous air, the sorrow comes All those memories of better times fill my mind How little I understood back in those days Now, when all is gone, I see the value of everything that I have lost Still, her eyes are haunting me when I try to sleep In the silence of the night, I hear her voice I know the day won't that I am done with this longing A night like this, I wish I could find my way out of this world No matter how hard I try to forget and clear my mind The sorrow comes The sorrow of being left behind The sorrow of the destroyed dream The sorrow when all trust is gone The sorrow giving birth to the will to die Ooh, I know I should move forward and give something new a chance But I am unable to break these bonds of what once used to be Sometimes I can't help thinking there is only one way out Through my own sorry death, in the hands of Azrael