Paralysing facts, countless diseases Semi-mobile, semi-useless subhuman So many startled eyes say it: "Only an occasional ray of light But feel free to subtract any ray of hope" Disabled, confined, labelled and shelved Minus limbs, minus movement, minus worth "So sorry" they say, but they forget me Once a year they buy themselves that right We won't understanding, not pity We need love, not occasional headlines We've been used, abused and aborted for years And I've learned not to expect respect for my tears Regular check-ups, needles and charts The nodding of heads and the shedding of hearts My legs are defenceless, this chair is my cell My food is my medicine, reality hell Disabled, confined Labelled and shelved "So sorry" they say, but they forget me Once a year they buy themselves that right We won't understanding, not pity We need love, not occasional headlines We've been used, abused and aborted for years And I've learned not to expect respect for my tears Sometimes I feel so removed Lost in a maze of self-pity and dreams No one regards me, I just don't belong They don't know how to act around me /x2 Until You came to me, Lord, I had so little to live for 'Til You came to me, Lord, I had nowhere to turn Jesus, You alone have helped me to grow Beyond my circumstance and despair My suffering can't compare to what You took willingly Sacrifice nowhere near what You gave on that tree I can see though I'm blind Loving one at a time There is so much that I can do Giving love and following You Giving love and following You I'm so glad You care Let my love flow free on this chair