Yes, ma'am. Well, alright. We'll see you then Honey! We're goin' home for the holidays Pack me lots of medication Home for the holidays Another dysfunctional celebration I swore this year, that we'd stay here And start our own tradition But when I tried, Momma cried And brought up Daddy's heart condition So we'll pack the car Face the maddening throng The family we've successfully Avoided all year long There's insidious Uncle Louie He'll be hittin' on all the wives Crazy Aunt Loretta This year don't let her near the knives And of course we'll hear "Mom, he's in my chair! Make him move! You gave it to me!" That'll be my older brother The doctor of psychiatry Home for the holidays Lots of interstate congestion Home for the holidays Nervous stress and indigestion In the sibling rivalry Mind-numbing conversation We're going home for the holidays All across the nation You know we'll have to board the puppy Yeah, he wouldn't survive our nephew Dave I still wake up screaming Dreaming of last year's cat in the microwave Home for the holidays Pack me lots of medication Home for the holidays Another dysfunctional celebration I swore this year, that we'd stay here But when I tried, Momma cried Brought up Daddy's heart condition In the sibling rivalry Mind-numbing conversation We're going home for the holidays All across the nation