You don't need me to tell you 
That there's nothing after this 
That nothing came before now 
And that's just the way it is 
Any mark you think you leave here 
Well, it will perish with the flesh 
The purpose of this sorry life 
Well, that's anybody's guess 
And yet we persevere 
Like flowers on the tide 
The choice is seldom mentioned 
The choice is set aside 
For once its name is spoken 
It enters by the heart 
It haunts the empty chambers 
And it pulls the heart apart 
You're sound of mind and body 
But I've watched you from afar 
Your rationale is fading 
It's fading like a star 
Amongst these constellations 
You always found the hope 
But now I see a worried man 
Behind the telescope

I'd like to say I've evidence 
The proof that all men seek 
But I'm as lost as anyone 
The spirit, it is weak 
You don't need me to tell you 
That there's nothing after this 
That nothing came before now 
And that's just the way it is