Jasper wallpaper, gates of pearl Never seen nothing like it in this world Rainbow of splendor 'round a glass throne Ten lane highway paved with gold Angel choir singing with a mighty band In sweetest harmony "Holy is the Lamb" I know the tour ain't over, but excuse me please I've come a long, long way, one thing to see R: Take me to Jesus Let me bow down Take me to Jesus Let me hand Him my crown Take me to Jesus That will make heaven, heaven to me Hello, David, I've sung your songs Ezekiel, I have preached about them dry bones Peter, can you tell me How you walked upon the sea? Oh, it's been a pleasure to meet all of you And I hope that you don't think that I'm rude Seeing all my heroes ain't top priority I want to see the man that died for me R: I've heard it's a land Where milk and honey flow I've never cared for milk And honey's too sweet, you know The sights, the sound, the splendor You can take it all away What will make heaven heaven Is when I see Him face to face R: