For the wages of sin is death Scraping bodies out of the gutter Rotting corpses piled on each other Infesting plagues defiled the land Sole rectification through sacrificed Son of Man BRIDGE Foul stench fills the street Silent carnage, rotting meat Tormented faces in despair As vultures fill the air Waiting to rip apart their prey Seeking to take it all away Taking them for all they have Final chance to reach for life REFRAIN Regeneration through reconciliation Obliterate the plague from the land Seek the covenant blood affiliation Propitiation by God's Right Hand A sickly carcass beyond human likeness Searches it's soul and finds only darkness Its desire for life is growing in size As this rotted corpse slowly opens it's eyes BRIDGE Foul stench fills the street Silent carnage, rotting meat But some dead seek rebirth They want to walk the earth Walking among the scattered dead Feeding corpses living bread Living in obedience is the Final choice you make in life REFRAIN