Corpse god of the death followers.
Enslave and use me as a holy hammer.
To destroy the ancient cults and all the fools that don't believe in thee.
I shall obey on thy commands
Frightened and terrorized by my sin.
Breathe through my imperfect tongue.
Burn all the ones that will try to deny the holy path.
God against life God against all.
Tu solus dominus. Pater!
Let us prey in thy name to eradicate satan.
He who shines in thy reflected light
Let us reign on earth as thee in heaven and hell
With tortures and crimes.
With great sufferings.
Gratus tibi sum magna tua gloria.
We'll bring horror in the sign of peace.
A dead body nailed to the cross.
Example and symbol of intollerance to follow.
Let darkness falls on earth.
Let our fires and chants resound in this valley of tears.
We will bring your reign to those pagans.
In hatred and forgiveness... In blood.
In blood, blood and redemption.
They will desire to die.
They will seek for a rapid death in thy name.
Laudatus sit qui venit in nomine tuo.
Burn them to clean their aims.
Burn! With! Burn!
Because life is not here but after death!