These storms they gather forces unbeknownst to fools like me They hide on the horizon too far gone to see I could have swore the heart you wore upon your sleeve was mine I could not see in front of me you were leaving I was blind Blinding sheets of rain that's what I'm blaming I must have been blind not to see that you would leave Now you are gone and the world is an ugly place And I pray good Lord send more blinding sheets of rain I love you, lost it's meaning to shipwrecked fools like me The rain is never ending there's no ships out to see We have not seen a good night since these thunderstorms rolled in I pray God please send them back and make me blind again Blinding sheets of rain that's what I'm blaming I must have been blind not to see that you would leave Now you are gone and the world is an ugly place And I pray good Lord send more blinding sheets of rain And I pray good Lord send more blinding sheets of rain And I pray good Lord send more blinding sheets of rain