For the sensation of orgasm Civilisations must rise and fall For the sensations of orgasm We build the society of spectacle Oh these are beautiful powers And these are beautiful human rights And we have beautiful lawyers Freedom is keeping us up all night For the sensation of orgasm Cultures accumulate energy And for the pleasure of citizens Allow the transgressions of chemistry Oh these are beautiful powers And we are dutiful citizens And we elect by desire Yes we elect only pretty things Famous performers who win applause From the anonymous everywhere Show us that life is just metaphors Sex is the air and the atmosphere Oh you're such beautiful movers And your performance was fabulous You think because you are lovers You were the ones who invented this Each day I build a great tower Where they speak thousands of languages Oh these are beautiful flowers And these are fabulous sandwiches All the sensations of orgasm Here in the congress of intercourse These are the rights of the citizen You may shout 'til your voice is hoarse Oh these are beautiful colours And this is lovely arithmetic This system's been designed for us It's such a pity it makes us sick All the sensations of orgasm Empower me afresh with a rush release All the sensations of orgasm Patrolling the borders with love police Oh these are beautiful powers And this is lovely arithmetic .....