Well, everyones talking, the lines are all buzzing today
So much is gossip, I don't think they know what they say
Did you hear it this way?
He was fighting for his life last night
And I don't believe they got it right
Rumour sets the woods alight
Everyones guessing when they get to talk of his wealth
Too much romancing can only be bad for your health
Consider the source
Now it's really got you
Someone saw him with a guy last nigt
It's not true
'Cause I don't believe you heard it right
Rumour sets the woods alight
Please don't lie anymore
And we won't cry anymore
You're never happy unless someone's breaking the law
The truth is a little pásse and the facts are a bore
Can you be sure?
Did you hear it this way?
Someone paid to have him die last night
And I don't believe you heard it right
Rumour sets the woods alight