My mind thinks in a weird way changing a thought from day to day one day I thought I'd like to and the next day I just didn't know the problem is I'm gonna see you every day and at every show But then I see this other girl my mind went into another world I think I'm too strange for her that's why I'm macking you Too many thoughts in my mind I think I would rather be blind cuz then I wouldn't dream about you and you wouldn't be on my mind you're always on my mind I don't know how to let you know how I feel about you I guess I'll just write another song cuz that's all I know how to do And when the tale of crushing's done and then just write another one but I don't think this time my arm is going to run write but then I see this other girl my mind went into another world I think I'm too strange for her that's why I'm macking you Too many thoughts in my mind I think that I would rather be blind cuz then I wouldn't dream about you and you wouldn't be on my mind you're always on my mind I hope you will understand I hope you can understand when you are not you know how to relate and I hope you will understand I hope you don't laugh at me and take this as a joke I hope you will understand cuz believe me this time these feelings are for real Too many thoughts in my mind I think I would rather be blind cuz then I wouldn't dream about you and you wouldn't be on my mind you're always on my mind get up Too many thoughts in my mind I think I would rather be blind cuz then I wouldn't dream about you and you wouldn't be on my mind you're always on my mind Youll always be on my mind