I got a brand new skillet and a brand new lid
I ain't got no stove but I bake my bread
I'm gonna bake my biscuits
I'm gonna bake my biscuits
I'm gonna bake my biscuits
Ain't gonna give nobody none

I'm gonna lock my door, nail my windows all down
You know by that, I don't want no bums around
I'm gonna bake my biscuits
I'm gonna bake my biscuits
I'm gonna bake my biscuits
Ain't gonna give nobody none

I ain't got no flour and ain't got no meal
If you got no man you got to rob and steal
I'm gonna bake my biscuits
I'm gonna bake my biscuits
I'm gonna bake my biscuits
Ain't gonna give nobody none

I'm-a tell you something I don't know if I'm wrong or 
But if you want my bread, you got to stay all night
I'm gonna bake my biscuits
I'm gonna bake my biscuits
I'm gonna bake my biscuits
Ain't gonna give nobody none

Ain't no need of you getting mad now, and poking out 
your mouth
You ain't gonna give me no bread when my bread runs out
I'm gonna bake my biscuits
I'm gonna bake my biscuits
I'm gonna bake my biscuits
Ain't gonna give nobody none

Come here, come here, I want you to come here now
I ain't got tight for my bread ain't brown
I'm gonna bake my biscuits
I'm gonna bake my biscuits
I'm gonna bake my biscuits
Ain't gonna give nobody none