You've lived a haunted life I've tried to imagine how I'd feel If I was thrown into the public eye Before my wounds had healed The way you flashed us with your Scars and told us about your rules Like we were students in your "how-to-be-dramatic" little school Now I can understand how After all that you've been through You'd lock yourself inside Waiting for us to come and rescue you But what I can't fathom is While imprisoned in yourself You wouldn't ever take a look around Just blame everyone else Pulling the "look-at-me-I'm-hurt" card Got you friends that wouldn't dare Question any little tantrum No, halfway – they would meet you there Your lover fears your reactions He's like a puppy on a leash He doesn't tread outside your boundaries Without saying "please" Now I can understand how After all that you've been through You'd lock yourself inside Waiting for us to come and rescue you But what I can't fathom is While imprisoned in yourself You wouldn't ever take a look around Just blame everyone else I could be scared of you I would cater to your needs Your dominating ways, my overwhelming fear of conflict feeds But I've learned not to get involved By admitting more about myself Takes one to know one honey, trust me take a look inside yourself