Spatia devinco,disiuncta coniungo so reducing the mottled-stained, so pulling the ball of wool wire long the void known, silver sphereship through the stars with no blame, face a new space race from disgrace to the final point of safe return, to the initial where it all began starving ambition, joy expired the value is almost null, little is all that remains forced, undecided, me companion for a journey called return from disdain, the redshift and flame variation, and the fire that irks the run, a few parsecs of increase, last conjunction can not wait no more another trip, another day No, this is... this is the new palindrome orbit, impossible leave it, we live flying now, is this the oldest… palindrome orbit? we lived tomorrow, we lived lying ferrous worries, always ignored pace in absence of air, of friction overlap of orbitals, stubborn and enterprising non-human structure, always ignored from disgrace, to the final point of safe return the redshift and flame variation, suddenly it assails, last conjunction can not wait no more another trip, another day No, this is... this is the new palindrome orbit, impossible leave it, we live flying now, is this the oldest… palindrome orbit? we lived tomorrow, we lived lying Solo: Fabiano Romagnoli