F G 1. Satellite's goneGmi C up to the skiesF G Thing like that drive meGmi C out of my mindDmi C B X: I watched it for a little whileGmi B I like to watch things on TVF C R: Ah ah ah - satellite of loveEs B Ah ah ah - satellite of loveF C Ah ah ah - satellite of loveDmi C B C satellite of 2. Satellite's gone way up to Mars Soon it will be filled with parking cars X: I watched... R: Ah ah ah...F C B C *: I've been told that you've been boldB C F with Harry, Mark and JohnF C B C Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday to ThursdayB C F with Harry, Mark and John 3. Satellite's gone up to the skies Thing like that drive me out of my mind X: I watched... R: Ah ah ah... (2x)