Now true, yu see mi lay dung here with yu Mi sey my mind is on mi hot man outta town A boy caan tek mi fuh no clown Mi sey, yu tink mi love with yu mi dida wine yu out just fi get yu english pound No bwoy caan push mi around Mi sey, yo, mi dun call mi man an tell him fi stand by Mi comin' fast pon a one-way flight all yu a kick up an ah gwaan llike yu hype mi dun have missa right Mi sey, mi dun get di meds sey yu a wine with joyce but mi hot gal mi nah have no need fi fight easy mow baby, everything nice ah mi ah wine Wesly Snipe Yu can turn with your gal caw mi dun have mi plan ah next week mi aggo pon vacation inna two-piece bath suit go model with mi man inna Grand Cayman Now true, yu see mi lay dung here with yu Mi sey my mind is on mi hot man outta town A boy caan tek mi fuh no clown Mi sey, yu tink mi love with yu mi dida wine yu out just fi get yu english pound No bwoy caan push mi around Mi sey, when yu not dere a yard an yu gone out a road gone model with your gal dem, god he knows dis ah gal no have no time fi rebel cause mi have mi man from when ah thru, mi inna house, furniture mi just dial mi man number an tell him, him fi come over yu shoulda see mi all pon di soft shoulder A wha mi sey, him nah stop love mi dung mi nuh stop get request one ting mi nah tek, dat a hicki pon neck just because mi nah waan disrespect but mi nah care if yu vex him nah stop pick mi up inna 97 Porche bring mi home an gimme bubble bath sweet mi so much mi never have time fi talk an mi have di last laugh Now true, yu see mi lay dung here with yu Mi sey my mind is on mi hot man outta town A boy caan tek mi fuh no clown Mi sey, yu tink mi love with yu mi dida wine yu out just fi get yu english pound No bwoy caan push mi around Wha mi sey, di other day mi tek your money an rent a cris car Guess what? Now mi an mi hot man go park We drink champagne an bus caviar mek love under di star Mi sey, a just di other day him ah fling mi inna air tear off mi skirt an fling way brassire mi nah stop reminiscience pon di time whey we share mow, back to mi career A poodle mi get fi mi birthday present him nah stop big mi up with dollars an strength buy mi big house an ten apartment mi ah gal no pay rent Now true, yu see mi lay dung here with yu Mi sey my mind is on mi hot man outta town A boy caan tek mi fuh no clown Mi sey, yu tink mi love with yu mi dida wine yu out just fi get yu english pound No bwoy caan push mi around