Today My Mother will return to My house 
And all the things I've done 
I've done to make her feel at home again 

Oh . . . it's all part of an act 
She can stay as long as I keep the pact 

There's someone ringing at My front door bell 
I see My Mother there 
Standing with the man I wanna send to hell 

Mother: "Oh King, see who came along" 

Ma, You don't understand 
It's all part of the deal 
There's no way I can let him inside 
You see "AMON" belongs to "THEM" 

Doctor: "You go ahead and have a talk with the boy My dear" 
You better bring this along 
something might go wrong inside" 

Come on Mother let me show You the house 
come on Mother there's a lot to discuss 

Mother: "Oh King, please let him in" 

Ma, You don't understand 
It's all part of the deal 
There's no way I can let him inside 
You see "AMON" belongs to "THEM" 

Now let Me tell You what I've seen in the house lately 
I've seen Your daughter here 
coming and going when the dark is near 

You must never ever tell anyone what I've told 
I have hear "THEM" singing too 
Hey Mother what's that for? 

Oh I feel the needle piercing My skin 
And I'm falling, Yes I'm falling down . . .