[Killah Priest] 

The mind  Heavy Mental  Jesus Christ is  Heavy Mental 

Everything brings in  Heavy Mental day  the day you will experience 


Heavy Mental  never done  Heavy Mental.. 

Information begins the gathering 

starting the pattern and stargate towards Saturn 

between the eye socket is where I will build my sky rocket 

you don't need any passport  all you need is a thought 

suddenly  the soul becomes hot as coal 

the flame blows from out my brain holes like a volcano 

the brain begins to process as we start the conquest 

from out the physical bondage, the thought 

launches, voyaging 144 billion light years through the shadows of your 


now open your eyes do you see the flaming arrows aiming at pharoahs 


as we begin-racing like a sparrow through the narrow population 

seeking purification, the destination is the holy land, of Bethlehem 

I eat lamb with Abraham and break bread with the son of man 

so slowly, hold these hands and stretch forth from the skies like a 

rubber band 

as I begin to step you above the land out of the atmosphere 

don't look back why, cause we're almost there 

just try to prepare and adapt to the air pressure 

now we searching for the mental treasure (pleasure) 

beyond the measure of yards 

you can't comprehend to god or to distance between stars 

pick up quasars inside the radar 

as we're going far past any astronaut 

moving so fast in this aircraft 

everything we pass get hot, from the take-off 

the blast turns glass into rocks 

at last my supreme task was to no longer walk on green grass 

till I become a beam of gas 

and travel through a extreme draft 

unable, to be picked up through cable (through cable) 

out of the reach of all manner of sky examiners, heaven scanners, 

giant antennas, high tech space cameras 

or evidence in any cemetry or obituary 

not found in any library or dictionary or encyclopedia or media 

I'm in star mode, with the discipline of dahmo, I broke the U.S. bar 


now I'm on Allah's road to journey, into the realms of the cosmos 

where only god knows or goesl, blow like a UFO 

to give up my work clothes, only to glow with a holy robe 

and explode through the mysterious black holes 

deep warp the outer zone, without a phone, to the unknown 

to sit on my throne alone (Heavy Mental) 

I'm the pilot on galactical plain of knowledge the culture 

my sculpture, lights up the ultra violet 

so you could see my brain is symbolic, to a palace 

therefore I keep my hair stylish, my flesh solid 

my teeth polished, next stage, examin my x-ray 

take notes for your essay, and let my cassette play for longer than a 


as we begin to blaze, through the milky ways 

repenting from our filthy ways, replenish for our guilty days 

the eyeballs, swell up the size of eggs, beyond dreamland 

wing span, 7 feet, between the eyes is the beak 

destination of the ride, is to reach is the peak, angelic landscape 

takes the physical man behind the hidden gates of space 

ultimate escapes as we go at a phenomenal rate 

as we cruise going into magnitude 

as we break up into a multitude of molecules 

going through a long hollow tube with a scholars view 

as, we wearing the white garment, passing sound waves 

that's supersonic, passing the comets, star clusters 

changing my physical structure, till my lips begin to pucker 

kissing Christ at the last supper 

grabbing a brass cup of wine (Heavy Mental) 

I feel myself getting older, sitting on my sofa 

in the position like yoga, till my mind passes over 

the solar system, my wisdom nova, I am the controller 

I begin to loosen up my shoulders forming each joint 

into the suns 8 points, then I, begin to rise like helium 

escape in the milleniumm, two thousand 

meditating to the soft note of a violin 

I've been on Mars, building the holy synagogue 

for the royal seminars, long before they had the renaissance 

there existed a hebrew lodge (Heavy Mental) 

a phenomenon from out of the matrix 

the world looks at me with envy and hatred 

just because I appear to them half naked 

rising into a spaceship 

with an arm full of solid gold bracelets 

a phenomenon from out of the matrix (Heavy Mental) 

now the only time (Heavy Mental) 

the only time you should catch.. (Heavy Mental) 

only time, you could have 

jet lag is if your cassette drag.. (Heavy Mental) 

rock a by ? (Heavy Mental) 

yo, just chill (Heavy Mental) 

stop the tape (Heavy Mental) 

(STOP IT!) Heavy Mental