G D G D G HeyD D cat and the fiddle cat and the fiddleE C C cow jumped over the moon moonC G G little dog lied to see such a sport see such a sportD G G dish ran away with the spoon spoonG G There was a little girl there was a little girlD D Who had a little curl who had a little curlE C C Right in the middle of her forehead foreheadC G G When she was good she was very good very goodD G G when she was bad she was horrid horrid La lala lalala ...G D D Humpty dumpty sat on the wall sat on the wallE C C Humpty dumpty had a great fall had a great fallC G G All the king’s horses and all the king’s men all the king’s menD G G Couldn’t put humpty together again gether againG D D Georgi porgi pudding and pie pudding and pieE C C Kissed the girls and made them cry made them cryC G G When the boys came out to play out to playD G G Georgi porgi ran away ran away La lala lalala ...G D D Old king cole was a merry old soul merry old soulE C C merry old soul was he heC C called for his pipe called for his pipeG G called for his bowl called for his bowlD G G called for his fiddlers three fiddlers threeG D D every fiddler had a fiddle so fine fiddle so fineE C C very fine fiddle had he heC G G none so rare as can compare can compareD G G old king cole and his fiddlers three fiddlers three