Longing for wisdom... Own law soon to be declared About to become a... Master of the highest Magick Independent and self-reliant... increased devotion! Intense, perpetual, all consuming state... evolving! [THE OATH] HADIT... invoked! Thee I invoke, the Bornless One! Thou art ASAR UN-NEFER! Thou Art IA-BESZ! Thou Art IA-APOPHRASZ! I am ANKH - F - N - KHONSU! I am the Angel of PTAH - APO - PHRASZ - RA! [AIR] Will... extended beyond the unknown Element... possesses me with passion! Hear me! AR ThIAF RhEIBET A-ThELE-BER-SET A BELAThA! ABEU EBEU PhI-ThETA-SOE IB THIAF! [FIRE] Dwelling in the void place of... My Spirit! Terrible and Invisible God... Invoked! Hear me! AR-O-GO-GO-RU-ABRAO SOTO... MUDORIO! PhALARThAO OOO AEPE! [WATER] Feeding upon the death of men... power of darkness! Rideth upon the Beast... Mother of Abomina-tion! Hear me! RU-ABRA-IAF MRIODOM BABALON-BAL-BIN-ABAFT! ASAL-ON-AI APhEN-IAF! I PhOTETh ABRASAX AEOOU ISChURE! [EARTH & SPIRIT] O Mother! O Truth! Thou Mass! Hail, Thou that art! KOThA AThOR-e-BAL-O ABRAFT! Return to the Tiphereth... Spirit invoked! Expanding the Source of Will... the Secret symbol of Self! Hear me! AFT ABAFT BAS-AUMGN! Identical Point! Nuith! Hadith! Ra-Hoor-Khuit! Hail, Great Wild Beast! Hail, IAO! Striking terror and reducing them into obedience Representing the quest for ancient, forgotten knowledge Purified by fire, embodiment of supreme power.... The Key!